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Mrs Monkley Head of Art |
Contact Mrs Monkley |
Miss O'Neil Teacher |
Mrs Barnes Teacher |
Contact Mrs Barnes |
Year 7 Curriculum Summary
Colour theory
Textures and mark making
Landscape painting
Formal elements of drawing
Design and pattern
Print making
Year 8 Curriculum Summary
Multicultural - Africa / Australia / Orient
Observational drawing
Media experimentation
Textile Design
Textile painting
3D design
3D Construction
Year 9 Curriculum Summary
Observational drawing – still life
Steam punk
Self Portrait
Abstract painting
GCSE Curriculum Summary
Examination Board: WJEC
The examination will consist of two components
Candidate’s portfolio 60% of the mark
Externally set project 40% of the mark
Course outline
The WJEC GCSE in Art and Design is designed to provide engaging, challenging, coherent and meaningful learning experiences through a flexible structure that supports the sequential and incremental development of creative practice. Our rewarding and immersive programme of study broadens experience, develops imagination and technical skills, fosters creativity and promotes personal and social development. The focus of the course is to nurture an enthusiasm for Art, Craft and design and through a broad introductory foundation programme, to develop critical, practical and theoretical skills that enable students to gain a holistic understanding of a range of practices and contexts in the visual arts, crafts and design fields.
Examination and coursework requirements
The WJEC GCSE Art and Design is conceived as a two year course. It consists of two units:
Unit 1 ‘Portfolio’ (60% of qualification) encourages adventurous and open programme of study that promote purposeful exploration, experimentation and opportunities for productive personal expression.
Unit 2 ‘Externally set Assignment’ (40% of qualification) enables students to apply the knowledge , understanding and skills that they have acquired in Unit 1 by producing an appropriate outcome within a set time frame to demonstrate their best achievement.
The course is designed to encompass four principle areas for critical, practical and theoretical study of art, craft and design. These emphasise the qualities of analytical understanding, practical experimentation, researching and individual expression required at GCSE level. The assessment objectives headings below have been provided to assist students.
AO1 Critical understanding
AO2 Creative making
AO3 Reflective recording
AO4 Personal presentation
Creative, Media & Performance Arts Entry Pathways
An alternative to Art and Design GCSE
The Creative, Media & Performance Arts Entry Pathways qualification can be adapted for learners for whom the assessment demands for Art and Design GCSE may be too challenging. Teachers will be able to advise you if you ate unsure about whether you would be a suitable candidate for this course.
This qualification would suit learners who really enjoy Art and design but who find the fast pace, vast portfolio and sitting external set examinations difficult, as this qualification is coursework based with no examination at the end of the course.
Entry Pathways is a flexible and personalised course, enabling schools to combine units to create programmes of study suitable to individual leaners.
The coursework units offered aim to enable learners to acquire the skills and / or knowledge required to explore and develop outcomes in the disciplines of
- Painting and drawing.
- Photography
- Printmaking
- Textiles
- Three dimensional design
All units have a credit value attached to them.
Learners can build up credits by following each unit and completing work which fulfils the assessment criteria for that unit.
- Award ( 9 - 12 credits)
- Certificate ( 13 - 36 credits)
Diploma ( 37+ credits)
Miss Gatiss Head of ICT / Computing |
Contact Miss Gatiss |
Mr Hamer Teacher of ICT / Computing |
Design & Technology
Mr Wintle Head of Design & Technology |
Contact Mr Wintle |
Mr McKeever Teacher / Assistant Headteacher |
Contact Mr McKeever |
Mr Peters Technician |
Contact Mr Peters |
Drama & Performing Arts
Mrs Hobbs Head of Drama |
Contact MRS HOBBS |
Mrs Lynch Head of English |
Contact Mrs Lynch |
Mrs Kenvyn Teacher |
Contact Mrs Kenvyn |
Miss Harris Teacher |
Contact Miss Harris |
Mrs Saleh Teacher |
Contact Mrs Saleh |
Miss Clavey Teacher |
Contact Miss Clavey |
Mrs Verallo Teacher / Assistant Head of Year |
contact mrs verallo |
Mr Flamenco Teacher |
contact mr flamenco |
Mrs Jones Teacher |
Mr Lewis Head of Geography |
Contact Mr Lewis |
Mrs Molcher Teacher |
Mr Marsh Teacher |
Contact Mr marsh |
All students study Geography at Key Stage Three and it is optional at Key Stage Four. Geography is an academic subject and is linked both to Humanities and Science. We learn about both Physical and Human Geography environments from around the world. We develop our understanding of why things happen and how they can affect both people and the environment e.g. earthquakes or population growth. We develop a wide range of skills including literacy, numeracy, spatial awareness, data collection, presentations and map skills.
The Geography Department runs many educational visits for all year groups including River, Coastal and Urban Fieldwork studies. We also take an annual educational excursion abroad to places like Iceland and Sorrento, Italy.
Key Stage 3
At KS3 pupils learn about many aspects of human and physical Geography. In Year 7 pupils cover Map Skills, Wales, Kenya and Coasts.
In Year 8 pupils cover a Traffic Enquiry, Tourism, Globalisation of Sport, Planet Earth, Antarctica, Rainforests and Weather and Climate.
In Year 9 pupils will study the topics Volcanoes and Earthquakes, People Everywhere, Globalisation of Fashion, Crime, Climate Change and Tsunamis.
Key Stage 4
GCSE Geography is an academic subject and highly desired by Universities. It is an exciting and very popular subject at GCSE. It teaches you a wide range of skills and opens many opportunities to employment.
There are three units of work to cover at GCSE. In Year 10 we study Unit 1 which is worth 40% of the course. The exam will be at the end of Year 11. This unit covers the topics of Volcanoes and Earthquakes, Rivers, Flooding, Coasts, Population Growth, Retail and Global Cities.
At the end of Year 10 we will start Unit 3 which is the controlled assessment element worth 20% of the course. For Unit 3 we will complete two fieldwork investigations involving two fieldwork trips. These will change every year depending on the topics set, but may include river studies, coastal studies, tourism investigations in places like Porthcawl, population investigations or studies of redevelopments to city centres like St David’s II.
In Year 11 we will study Unit 2 which is worth 40% and will be tested by an examination at the end of Year 11 along with Unit 1. In Unit 2 we will study the topics of Weather Hazards, Climate Change, Rainforests and Ecosystems, Development and Globalisation.
Mr Thomas Co-Head of History / Head of Year |
Contact Mr Thomas |
Mrs Barton Co-Head of History |
Year 7 Curriculum Summary
- What is History? A short introduction to key skills, terms and definitions used in History.
- Why was 1066 a year of Crisis?: Topics include the Norman Conquest of 1066 and its aftermath.
- What was life like in Medieval times? Topics include life in a Medieval village and The Black Death.
Year 8 Curriculum Summary
- The Tudors (Major political and religious changes during the Tudor period, and the personalities and policies of the Tudor monarchs)
- Wales and Britain during the Industrial Revolution c. 1750-1900.
(How and why Britain became an industrial nation and what the social, economic and political consequences were).
- The Slave trade.
Year 9 Curriculum Summary
- Key events in the 20th Century, (WWI, WWII, the study of the Holocaust).
GCSE Curriculum Summary
Unit 1: An in-depth Study - Depression, War and Recovery, 1930-1951
Topic areas include:
• The causes of the Depression - The impact of the Wall Street Crash in the USA and the onset of a world -wide Depression.
• How did people cope with the challenges of the Depression years?
• The coming of WWII – how effectively did people prepare for war?
• Life during WWII, including the effects of the Blitz, evacuation, rationing and the role of women.
• Keeping up morale: The importance of radio, cinema and propaganda posters during WWII.
• Life after war and rebuilding the country - war damage, setting up of the NHS, educational opportunities etc.
Unit 2: An in-depth Study - Germany in Transition, 1919-1939
Topic areas include:
• Impact of WWI on Germany. The setting up and collapse of the Weimar Republic.
• The rise of the Nazi party and the reasons why Hitler came to power
• The Nazi consolidation of power – how did Hitler become a Dictator?
• Nazi economic, social and racial policy - including the impact the Nazis had on unemployment, leisure time,
women, young people, attitudes to religion and the treatment of the Jews.
• Nazi control and terror - the use of propaganda and censorship, the police state , the role of the SS, Gestapo,
Concentration Camps etc.
• Hitler’s foreign policy – What factors led to the outbreak of war in 1939
Unit 3: A thematic study – Changes in Health and Medicine, c.1340 to the present day
Topic areas include:
• Main causes of illness and disease over time.
• Attempts to prevent illness and disease over time.
• Advances and progress in medical knowledge over time.
• Developments in patient care over time.
• Developments in public health and welfare.
• Urban Cardiff in the 19th Century .
Unit 4: Non examined Assessment (N.E.A)
This is a piece of extended writing written up in class, and it will either be on the impact of WWI, or the role and significance of Martin Luther King in the USA .
Home Economics
Mrs Wilson Head of Home Economics |
Contact Mrs Wilson |
Mrs S James Technician |
contact mrs james |
Mrs Jacob Technician |
Contact Mrs Jacob |
WJEC Hospitality and Catering (Food)
The WJEC Award in Hospitality and Catering has been designed to support learners in schools and colleges who want to learn about this sector and the potential it can offer them for their careers or further study. The new Hospitality and Catering course has been designed around the concept of a 'plan, do, review' approach to learning. This mirrors many work related activities in hospitality and catering industries and allows learning to take place in a range of contexts. This approach enables learners to apply and extend their learning. Current A*-C equivalent pass rate at Corpus is over 92%.
Examination and Coursework Requirements
Topics of the study include:
- The Hospitality and Catering Industry
- Hospitality and Catering in Action
Assessment will consist of:
Unit 1: The Hospitality and Catering Industry will be externally assessed. Learners apply their learning by considering all aspects of the vocational sector. The key task is to propose a new hospitality and catering provision for a specific location. Learners will use their learning of different types of establishment and job roles to determine the best option. They will then apply their learning in relation to front of house and kitchen operations to determine how the proposed hospitality and catering provision will operate to meet the needs of their potential market. This unit provides a broad introduction to the vocational sector in a way that is purposeful and develops a range of transferable skills.
Unit 2: Hospitality and Catering in Action is internally assessed. Learners apply their learning to safely prepare, cook and present nutritional dishes. They will draw on their learning of different types of provision and kitchen and front of house operations in Unit 1, as well as personal safety in their preparations. The content is relevant not only to employees within food production, but also those with a responsibility for food safety in the industry, nutritionists and managers and owners. This extends the learners appreciation of the whole area beyond the kitchen environment.
Why study Hospitality and Catering?
Employment in hospitality and catering can range from waiting staff, receptionists and catering assistants to chefs, hotel and bar managers and food technologists working for supermarket chains. The hospitality and catering sector includes all businesses that provide food, beverages, and/or accommodation services. This includes restaurants, hotels, pubs and bars. It also includes airlines, tourist attractions, cruise-liners, hospitals and sports venues; businesses where hospitality and catering is not their primary service but is increasingly important to their success.
Brand new course for 2019
The WJEC GCSE in Health and Social Care, and Childcare equips learners with knowledge, understanding and skills related to the development and care of individuals throughout the life cycle from conception to later adulthood. Learners have the opportunity to develop their understanding of influences on human growth, development, behaviour and well-being. They will also gain an understanding of the social, physical, emotional, and cultural needs of people who use care and support services, and recognise that each individual has a unique blend of abilities and needs. Learners will gain an understanding of how service provision in Wales supports the development and well-being of individuals, to be able to make informed decisions now and in later life. This specification has been designed to include contemporary issues in relation to the provision of an ethical and sustainable health and social care, and childcare system in Wales, and to create independent learners that can make informed decisions about further learning opportunities or continuing into related career choices.
Unit 1
Human growth, development and well-being Written examination: 1 hour 30 minutes 40% of single award qualification 80 marks Learners should be given the opportunity to develop their knowledge and understanding of the four areas of content. Areas of content:
· Human development across the life cycle
· Physical, social, emotional and intellectual health
· The importance of active participation on development and well-being
· Early intervention and prevention to promote and support growth, development and well-being for a range of conditions and their circumstances
Unit 2 (Coursework)
Promoting and maintaining health and well-being Non-exam assessment: 25 hours 60% of single award qualification 120 marks This non-exam assessment (NEA) is composed of two tasks set by WJEC. Pupils will be given the opportunity to develop their knowledge and understanding of the three areas of content. Areas of content:
· Health and social care, and childcare provision in Wales to promote and support health and well-being
· Public health and health promotion across the life cycle
· Factors affecting health and well-being across the life cycle
Mr Jones-Pritchard Head of Maths |
Contact Mr Jones-Pritchard |
Mrs Bussell Teacher / Assistant Headteacher |
Contact Mrs Bussell |
Mr O'Neill Teacher |
Contact Mr O'Neill |
Mrs Donovan Teacher |
Contact Mrs Donovan |
Miss Hesp Teacher |
Contact Miss Hesp |
Miss Bishop Teacher |
Contact Miss Bishop |
Mrs Ling Teacher |
Contact Mrs Ling |
Mr Harris Teacher / Asst Head of Year |
Contact Mr Harris |
International Languages
Mrs Carrington Head of IL Teacher |
Contact Mrs Carrington |
Mrs Langdon Teacher |
Contact Mrs LangdoN |
Mrs Davies-Hale Teacher |
Mrs Evans Head of Music |
Contact Mrs Evans |
Mrs Brierley Teacher |
Contact Mrs brierley |
Heroes & Villains Performing and Composing Superheroes and villains’ themes as part of our introduction to the 8 elements of music.
Cymraeg Cerddoriaeth Perform and improvise using a Welsh folk song.
Pop Music An introduction to Popular Music through listening activities and performance tasks.
Film Music Create incidental film music and develop their knowledge of devices used for composing techniques.
Samba Develop knowledge of Samba drumming and polyrhythmic patterns.
Song writing Compose songs using a given theme.
Jazz & Blues Develop an understanding of the eras of jazz through listening tasks. Perform a piece of swing music with improvisations using the blues scale.
Reggae Perform, arrange and prepare a piece of Reggae music.
Rap and Dance Create own raps and dance tracks using loops and multi-trackers.
AREA OF STUDY 1: Musical Forms & Devices
- Musical forms – Binary, ternary, minuet & trio, rondo variation and strophic forms and devices used in Western Classical Tradition.
- Music of the Baroque, Classical & Romantic eras.
- An analysis of set work 1: Peer Gynt Suite no 1. Anitra’s Dance by Grieg
AREA OF STUDY 2: Music for Ensemble
- A focus on texture and timbre.
- A study of diverse musical styles composed for ensemble, such as jazz and blues, musical theatre, chamber music and Welsh folk music.
AREA OF STUDY 3: Film Music
- Consider how film music is created, developed and performed and the impact it has on its audience.
- The understanding of the relationship between mood, atmosphere and emotion with music.
AREA OF STUDY 4: Popular Music
- The impact of music technology on the development of pop music.
- A focus on a variety of popular music styles.
- An analysis of set work 2: Everything Must Go by Manic Street Preachers
Performing 35% Perform two pieces, one of which must be an ensemble performance and create a programme note for one of the chosen pieces linked to an area of study.
Composing 35% Compose two pieces, one of which must be in response to a brief set by WJEC. Create a written evaluation of this piece.
Appraising This unit is assessed via a listening examination. There are eight questions in total. Two of the eight questions are based on prepared extracts set by WJEC.
WJEC Vocational Level 2 in Creative & Media
UNIT 1: Creating a proposal in response to a given brief (25%)
A theme is set by WJEC and pupils create a response to this theme. This is usually in the form of a musical production showcase. The planning process is completed but the actual product is not performed. There are 20 hours of controlled assessment for pupils to develop their idea by considering the costumes, equipment, staging etc. and students then complete a 2-hour exam.
UNIT 2: Creating an outcome in response to a given brief (25%)
Pupils will be set a brief by their teacher to create a production. This will be organised and structured entirely by the group of students, and they will each fulfil a necessary production role when putting a staged show together at an evening performance which they have organised.
UNIT 3: Skills development (50%)
Develop a skill in –
· Stage Acting
· TV/Film Acting
· Physical Theatre
· Set/Costume design
· Lighting/Sound design
· Solo Dance
· Group Dance
· Choreography
· Solo Music Performance
· Ensemble Music
Physical Education
Mr James Head of PE |
Contact Mr James |
Mr Lloyd Teacher / Head of Year |
Contact Mr Lloyd |
Mrs Harris Teacher |
Contact Mrs Harris |
Mrs Hughes Teacher |
Contact Mrs Hughes |
Mrs Lloyd Teacher |
Contact Mrs Lloyd |
Religious Education
Mr Burke Teacher |
Contact Mr Burke |
Mrs Kelly Teacher |
Contact Mrs Kelly |
Mrs McKeever Teacher |
Contact Mrs McKeever |
Mr Timothy Head of RE / Teacher |
Contact Mr Timothy |
Mr Sadler Teacher |
Contact Mr Sadler |
Mrs Molcher Teacher |
Mrs Llewellyn Teacher / Head of Science |
Contact Mrs Llewellyn |
Mr Harris Teacher / Assistant Headteacher |
Contact Mr Harris |
Mr Hampson Teacher / Assistant Headteacher |
Contact Mr Hampson |
Mr Kelly Teacher / Head of Year |
Contact Mr Kelly |
Mrs Killen Teacher |
Contact Mrs Killen |
Mrs Jenkins Teacher |
Contact Mrs Jenkins |
Mr Truby Teacher / Assistant Headteacher |
contact mr truby |
Mr Parry Head of Science / Teacher |
Miss Powell Teacher |
contact MISS POWELL |
Mrs Slocombe Teacher |
contact mrs slocombe |
Mr Saunders Teacher |
Contact Mr saunders |
Mr Silezin Science Technician |
Contact Mr SILEZIN |
Mrs Cesari Science Technician |
Contact MRS CESARI |
Science in KS3:
In KS3, students study Biology, Chemistry and Physics in a modular format. Tests are conducted after sets of modules have been completed to help inform the teachers of the pupils understanding of the topics and to allow pupils to gain valuable practice at exam technique. Experimental work is a big part of Science and is conducted throughout modules. A practical assessment is also carried out each term to assess the pupils Science practical skills.
Year 7 Curriculum Summary:
- Safety, Measurement and Basic Experimental Skills
- Cells, Forces and States of Matter
- Classification, Body Systems part 1, Magnetism and Elements, Mixtures and Compounds
- Producers and Consumers and Dissolving
Year 8 Curriculum Summary:
- Food and digestion, Energy Speed and Separation
- Microbes and the periodic table
- Leaves and Photosynthesis, Body Systems part 2 and Space
- Materials and Waves and the Electromagnetic Spectrum
Year 9 Curriculum Summary:
- Variation and Inheritance, Changes of Matter and Heat Transfers and Acids and Bases
- Reproduction, Electricity and the Reactivity Series
After Easter the Year 9’s start work on the Year 10 topics
Mrs Norris Teacher / Head of Department |
Contact Mrs NORRIS |
Miss Winn Teacher |
Mrs Jenkins Teacher |
Contact Mrs Jenkins |
Mrs Molcher Teacher |
Contact Mrs Molcher |
Miss Griffiths Teacher |
Contact Miss Griffiths |
Mrs Jones Teacher / Head of KS4 |
contact mrs jones |
Blwyddyn 7/Year 7:
Tymor 1/Term 1 – Fi Fy hunan, Teulu a Ffrindiau (Myself, Family and Friends)
Tymor 2/term 2 – Ysgol (School)
Tymor 3/Term 3 – Gwyliau (Hollidays)
Blwyddyn 8/Year 8:
Tymor 1/Term 1 – Adloniant a’r cyfryngau (Entertainment and the Media)
Tymor 2/Term 2 – Dathlu (Celebrating)
Tymor 3/Term 3 – Bywyd Iach (Healthy Lifestyle)
Blwyddyn 9/Year 9:
Tymor 1/Term 1 – Yr Ardal + Yr Amgylchedd (Area and the Environment)
Tymor 2/Term 2 – Problemau Pobl Ifanc (Problems facing young people)
Tymor 3/Term 3 – Cyflogaeth (Employment)
Blwyddyn 10/Year 10: UNED 1/UNIT 1
Tymor 1/Term 1 – Cyflogaeth + Ffrindiau (Employment + Friends)
Tymor 2/Term 2 – Cymru a’r Byd (Wales & the World)
Tymor 3/Term 3 – Ieuenctid (Youth)
From term 1 pupils will be prepared for their Unit 1 group speaking test as lesson content matches previous film clips
This involves pupils responding to a short film clip in Welsh in their groups/pairs and is worth 25% of the overall grade at GCSE
BlwyTymor 2/term 2 – Ysgol (School)
Tymor 3/Term 3 – Gwyliau (Hollidays)
ddyn 11/Year 11: UNEDAU 1, 2 a 3/UNITS 1, 2 and 3
Tymor 1/Term 1 – gorffen Ieuenctid (Complete Youth)
Tymor 2/Term 2 – adolygu Cyflogaeth a Chymru a’r Byd (revise Employment Wales & the World)
Tymor 3/Term 3 – Unedau 2,3 a 4 (Units 2, 3, and 4)
Throughout the year pupils will be prepared for Units 1, 2 and 3 as lesson content matches example tasks.
Uned 2(Unit 2) - 25% group/pair speaking task. Pupils respond to Welsh text in their groups/pairs
Uned 3(Unit 3) - 25% 1.5 hour writing/reading paper
Uned 4(Unit 4) - 25% 1.5 hour writing/reading paper