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Corpus Christi catholic High School Anti-bullying Policy
Aims of the Policy
It is expected that all members of the Corpus Christi school community, recognising that bullying does take place, will be aware of the school policy on bullying and the way in which it relates to our mission statement.
At Corpus Christi we will aim to ensure that all pupils:
- Receive an education that is free from humiliation, oppression or abuse, either physical or psychological in nature.
- Are taught in an atmosphere which is safe, caring and protective.
- Share in the life of Christ by treating others in the community with love and respect.
- Expect Christian values to be reinforced across the curriculum, demonstrating the care that staff have for the welfare of pupils in their charge.
- Will be made aware of the range of actions that can constitute bullying and actively encouraged to report such incidents
School Statement of Intent
Corpus Christi believes that :
- Bullying is undesirable and unacceptable.
- Bullying is a problem to which solutions can be found.
- Seeking help and openness are regarded as signs of strength not weakness.
- All members of the school community will be listened to and taken seriously
- Everyone has the right to work and learn in an atmosphere that is free from fear.
- All of us have a responsibility to ensure that we do not abuse or bully others.
- Young people should talk to an adult if they are worried about bullying and have a right to expect that their concerns will be listened to and treated seriously.
- We all have a duty to work together to protect vulnerable individuals from bullying and other forms of abuse.
- To ensure all parents and pupils have received and had opportunity to comment upon the school anti-bullying policy.
- To maintain and develop effective listening systems for pupils and staff within the school.
- To involve all staff in dealing with incidents of bullying effectively and promptly.
- To equip all staff with the skills necessary to deal with bullying.
- To involve the wider school community (e.g. midday supervisors) in dealing effectively with, and if necessary referring, bullying incidents.
- To communicate with parents and the wider school community effectively on the subject of bullying.
- To acknowledge the key role of the class teacher/ form tutor in dealing with incidents of bullying.
- To ensure that all incidents of bullying are recorded and appropriate use is made of the information and where appropriate shared with relevant organisations.
Code of Conduct (with regard to school behaviour and relationships within the school community)
We recognise that all adults in the school are in effect role models for the students. The way in which we behave towards each other and to students is particularly important in terms of providing positive role models. Therefore, as adults we must:
- show respect for every student and other colleagues within the school community as individuals
- be aware of vulnerable students criticise the behaviour rather than the student to avoid favouritism
- be seen to be fair
- avoid labelling
- have high expectations of students
- never give students ammunition to use against each other
- actively seek to develop a praise culture within the school
Young people also have a responsibility to role model appropriate behaviour for their peers. We therefore believe that all students must:
- show respect for their fellow students and adults working within the school community
- support and be sensitive to others when they may be feeling vulnerable
- actively seek to develop a praise culture within the school
- actively support the school anti-bullying policy
- take responsibility for their own behaviour
Equal Opportunities
Every member of the school community is entitled to expect equality of protection from bullying as well as protection and support from school policies and procedures.
School Procedures Including Sanctions
When an act of bullying is reported or suspected
- The matter will be fully investigated
- The pupils involved will be required to express ( in writing where appropriate ) their perception of the facts and their feelings regarding the incident/s and outcome
- Initially victims and the bully will be interviewed separately.
- Any witnesses will also be interviewed
- Where appropriate parents will be invited to school
- A record will be kept of each incident
- Action will be taken which will support both victim and bully and reflect the nature of the incident/s. When appropriate the school counsellor will be involved.
- Physical violence perpetrated on any member of our school community will be treated very seriously and may result in exclusion
Other sanctions which may be employed include:
- a letter of apology
- detention
- isolation
- financial compensation for property damaged or stolen
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Anti Bullying Policy 2024 |