Posted on / January 29th 2025
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Headteacher's Welcome
Welcome to the Corpus Christi Catholic High School website. Corpus Christi is an 11-16 Catholic comprehensive school situated in the north of Cardiff.
We are very proud of our rich Catholic faith, our history and our Welsh heritage and serving the Archdiocese of Cardiff.
Our mission commits us to place Christ at the centre of all we do, knowing that through Him we will be strengthened and upheld through the challenges and joys of school life. Corpus Christi is a welcoming, inspiring and close-knit Catholic community, based on Gospel values, where there is a sense of belonging and care in the Kingdom of God. All leaders focus on the Catholic Mission of the school in daily practice and provide opportunities for regular and meaningful collective worship. Catholic Social Teaching is used to instil in our learners a sense of social justice, to care for others and the world. The result of which, pupils, parents and carers understand the distinct value of being part of a Catholic school where staff want to work here and stay here because they feel valued and loved.
Throughout the school year we offer our pupils, parents and carers numerous opportunities to participate and share in liturgies, and we see this as central to the life of the school.
We are a very successful, over-subscribed school, offering a broad and balanced curriculum with Religious Education at the centre. Our thriving community is well supported by our parents, parishes, and partner primary schools. The Corpus Christi Pupil Profile, based on the Jesuit Pupil Profile, is at the heart of who we are and who we are striving to be as individuals and as a community.
Along with an excellent academic record, we also have an impressive sports track record. The school has a thriving Music and Drama department and the school production, along with the Christmas and Easter Liturgies, are highlights of the school calendar. The extra-curricular opportunities provided for our young people are broad. Alongside Sport and Performing Arts, it also encompasses the Humanities, International Languages, ICT, Technology, Welsh, English, Maths, Science and Art.
Pupils have opportunities to join the many clubs which are on offer at lunchtimes and after school. Trips are organised throughout the year, both in the UK and abroad. The additional learning provision and the Pastoral care support are second to none.
Corpus Christi is first and foremost a Catholic high school rooted in the teachings and example of Jesus Christ and the values of the Gospel. We endeavour to offer the best to all pupils in the pursuit of excellence so that every learner can flourish. We want all our young people to leave Corpus Christi as well-rounded individuals who are independent learners and thinkers, ready to take their places in the wider world as responsible young adults.
I do hope you enjoy looking at our website which, I am sure, will give you a fuller flavour of our school.
P Brunnock